Pełnione funkcje
Functions performed
Pełnomocnik Rektora ds. równego traktowania / Rector’s Plenipotentiary for Equal Treatment
Zainteresowania badawcze
Research interests
zagadnienia międzykulturowe w nauce języków obcych, badania nad podręcznikami, krytyczna analiza dyskursu, psychopedagogiczne aspekty kształcenia nauczycieli, pedagogika krytyczna i edukacja na rzecz sprawiedliwości społecznej / intercultural issues in foreign language learning, textbooks research, Critical Discourse Analysis, psycho-pedagogical aspects of teacher training, critical pedagogy and social justice education
Uzyskane stopnie i tytuły naukowe
Academic degrees and titles received
– magister filologii angielskiej / MA in English Philology
– doktor w dziedzinie nauk społecznych / PhD in Social Sciences
Kontakt na UO
Uniwersytet Opolski
Wydział Filologiczny
budynek Collegium Maius
pl. Korepnika 11
45-040 Opole
Adres e-mail
ORCID 0000-0001-7346-4023
- Odkrywamy ukryte. Konstrukcja i dekonstrukcja neoliberalnego przekazu podręczników szkolnych , Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, Opole 2023.
- Przecież jesteśmy! Homofobiczna przemoc w polskich szkołach – narracje gejów i lesbijek, Kraków, (Rudnicki, P. – co-author), 2021.
- „Crossing the borders of own culture, stepping on frontiers”: Textbooks and intercultural communication, Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, 18 (4), p. 35-59, DOI:10.26881/bp.2010.4.02 (Adams-Tukiendorf, M. – co-author), 2021.
- Between the holy cross and free market. Addressing the issue of homosexuality in the narratives of former students in Polish schools, Educational Studies Review, 1 (32), p. 121–139, DOI: (Rudnicki, P. – co-author), 2021.
- Intercultural and global dimension of textbooks – points of consideration for language teachers, Beyond Philology: An International Journal of Linguistics, Literary Studies and English Language Teaching, 16(3), p. 81-99, (Y. Biniecki, S – co-author), 2019.
- A Hundred Years of the Project Method in Poland, 2017, Biuletyn historii wychowania, 36, p. 145-153.
- Chosen aspects of university education through the lenses of the official and hidden curriculum, Opole University Annual, 2, p. 115-124, 2017.
- Ethnicity in the educational materials. A view through the lenses of critical pedagogy, in: Oświata i kultura w wielokulturowym świecie. Wielość perspektyw i doświadczeń, Opole, p. 165-175, 2017.
- Creating the image of people with disabilities in formal education. Analysis of the textbooks used in the chosen European countries, Studies in Global Ethics and Global Education, 5, p. 28-38, 2016.
- The sociopolitical background of institutionalized homophobia in the Polish system of education, in: Challenges to social diversity. A map of problems and proposals for “good practices, Karlstad, Opole, p. 29 – 43, 2016.
- Education for children with foreign backgrounds in Sweden – a general view of the situation and a case study, in: Education of tomorrow. Organization and school education, Sosnowiec, p. 179-190, 2015.
- Woman as an immobilized object in the living cultural mosaic. A review of the press for the Catholic teachers, in: Women in the cultural mosaic, Kraków, p. 39-48, 2014.
- Intercultural education-Swedish textbooks as the source of inspiration for Polish educators, Edukacja Międzykulturowa, 3, p. 154-172, 2014.
- Gender Issues in Polish Education Compared with European Experiences, Culture and Education, 5(98), p. 92-107, 2013.
Courses for students in teaching programme:
- set of courses for students in teaching programme, devoted to the system of education, social, pedagogical and psychological aspects of teachers and students’ functioning, writing master’s thesis
Courses for diverse groups of students:
- Another world is possible: social justice in practice, Basic concepts in multicultural communication, Interpersonal skills – practical workshops, Gender issues in Eastern European countries
Guest lecturing at:
- Karlstad University, Sweden (regularly since 2014)
- University of Central Missouri, USA (regularly since 2015)
- Kansas State University, USA (2015-2018)
Participation in intercultural research and didactic projects, for example:
- TOOLS (Technologically enhanced online opportunities for language learning in inclusive education) (
- FORTHEM (Fostering Outreach within European Regions, Transnational Higher Education and Mobility)—Multilingualism Lab (
Designing and running lectures and workshops in cooperation with scientific institutions and non-governmental organizations devoted to anti-discrimination, the Holocaust education, human right education and gender issues.
- Topics in applied linguistics: Classroom-oriented research, Department of Applied Linguistics, University of Opole, presentation: The analysis of English textbooks from the critical perspective of hidden curriculum, workshops: Language textbooks – what do they teach apart from language? A workshop devoted to critical analysis of textbooks in the hidden curriculum perspective, 23-25.09.2019.
- Mobilities, Transitions, Transformations – Intercultural Education at the Crossroads, presentation: Introducing intercultural education through Project Based Learning, Eötvös University, Budapest, 05-09.09.2016.
- Annual Adult Research Conference, presentation: Social justice adult education: comparative Perspectives from Poland and the United States, Kansas State University Manhattan, Kansas, 19-22.05.2015.
- International Conference on Critical Education, presentation: Didn’t you know it is a vassalage? Chosen aspects of university education through the lenses of official and hidden curriculum, Wroclaw University, Wrocław, 15-18.06.2015.